
11/17/2014 12:08
As you can see, I've been hard at work.  We've created a more extensive forum section, to make it easier to navigate to a particular platform.  Furthermore, I have arrived at a complete top100 list, though the descriptions have not yet been included--they will be updated in the future....
10/22/2014 11:47
3 Atari games changed the landscape of video games for various reasons.  Pitfall! is to me the true original adventure game that would pave the way for side-scroller games to come, while Gyruss utilized the music engine of Atari like no other game, and Frogger played on the simplicity factor,...
10/21/2014 23:05
For convenience, I have decided to only list the games that I deem worthy of cracking the displayed top 100 at the time I play them.  This will ensure a more efficient method of getting games played and listed, rather than searching for images for every single game, and describing games that...
09/26/2014 00:56
As the Atari gained popularity, gamers were discovering how to use their imagination and creativity in order to solve some complex creations, such as Adventure or Wizard.  Nonetheless, Space Invaders clearly took home the gold as the first console-game craze outside of Pong consoles.
09/19/2014 11:58
One game that really shined for me from these releases was Canyon Bomber.  It was a unique take, and I can imagine the success being it was advertised around a war-time.  It plays pretty simple, and yet remains challenging enough to keep you playing.  We did see the release of...
09/18/2014 16:47
Atari gained a foothold in the market and began releasing more games as it's success continue to rise.  In 1978, we saw some poorly made games, while some gave us a way to view Atari's simplicity as a way to appreciate what you can do with limited technology.  In particular, Breakout...
09/17/2014 09:42
I have added all 1977 releases of Atari 2600.  Being the first ever console release, the games were as simple as could be.  That being said, I'd have to give the game of 1977 award to Street Racer, as it proved you could tweak Atari games to give more depth than one might have imagined.
09/16/2014 23:58
Due to the glitch factor of Stella that I was unaware of, I shall be going back and reviewing some more Atari games that i was not able to successfully play.  Having said that, there are some good tutorials on how to set up Stella - one of the more popular Atari 2600 emulators.  The key...
09/11/2014 09:54
Not much to be spoken of here; Stargate was an ok game for the year, but the Atari was seeing it's last days as the NES would soon break out.
09/10/2014 14:24
This year was infamous for the video game crash, and also happened to be the year of my birth.  There was an influx of games, most of which I cannot find a playable version at this time, while the ones that could be played were either overly simplistic, or a re-hash of existing games.
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