There was much left to be done with this game, and as it appears they did a continuation through a sequel game. When you had PS1 games with 4-disc stories, it's hard to imagine why the same could not be done here. The graphic were rather subpar for PS3 game, it felt like later PS2 game graphics. The story is intriguing, but there is a lot missing where they could have added - maybe a corruptus for every character instead of just the 2 playable ones. Where this game shines brightest is the scenery; there was so much depth put into the artwork, and actually allows you to take snapshots. They knew this was the selling point, so they tried to sell it; the only problem? I'd rather play a game than take pictures. It is still a very fun game, but everything hints toward the sequel being better; which will be reviewed at a later date yet to be announced.