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08/16/2014 20:15
This game didn't see any huge standout games, but there a couple goodies to be found, I would suggest Dynowarz or Legacy of the Wizard.
08/16/2014 11:41
We apologize if there are delays; my computer has been experiencing some technical difficulties with viruses, seemingly in particular affecting webnode editing; however all seems to be fixed currently and we will continue forward. In terms of the game update, I have just updated March 1989 released...
08/15/2014 16:12
We saw the release of Tecmo Bowl, which many consider the best NES sports game; personally I've always loved RPG's more than sports and side-scrollers, so I'd say Ultima - Exodus was a better game all in all, but Tecmo Bowl was decent.
08/15/2014 15:40
We got our first Bomberman game, and the first wrestling game licensed by a professional wrestling organization, among some others.  Nothing really stood out, though Bomberman became a better game in later renditions.  I would say of the pack released this month, Bomberman was probably...
08/15/2014 12:37
November and December were becoming the atypical video game hysteria months, thanks to Black Friday and Christmas.  We were being sold games left and right, while they were still upwards ofr $30-$40 a pop, without knowing the quality, as we can figure out today by reviews.  Nonetheless,...
08/15/2014 11:18
2 decent games emerged from November '88:  Blaster Master and Bubble Bobble.  While Bubble Bobble was the clear recognizable game, I felt Blaster Master was the better game.  However, I think gaming markets were starting to try to reach out to a female audience with simple games that...
08/15/2014 11:15
This month brought us 2 highly anticipated titles:  Ghostbusters and Super Mario Bros. 2.  Ghostbusters was rather lackluster, but I still played the heck out of it and failed miserably.  Mario 2 was the clear hit of this particular month, and was marketed brilliantly I might add....
08/14/2014 23:18
Added some SNES titles just to take break from NES.  This was the first wave of games; and Mario was the flagship game, and the best of the bunch, undoubtedly.  Though we did get SimCity, which did appear to be the begining of the Sims (unsure if they're related games or not), but they...
08/14/2014 22:25
Really not much to speak of here; Nintendo was starting to simply release games in mass production by this point, and not many were good.  Adventure Island was ok; and Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy were also released.  They ARE fun, however at the time we were between 5-13 years old and...
08/14/2014 22:23
Only Lifeforce and World Class Track Meet; Track was more recognized, and most people had the game, and Lifeforce was a side-scrolling 2-d Space Shooter, which had been so overdone it was getting old; however this particular one added some nice features.  I'd say Lifeforce was the best...
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